Removing Ancient Landmarks
The ancient landmark or “boundary” stone is mentioned six (6) times in the Bible. Each time it is referenced in Scripture, there is an injunction, a stern warning against moving it.
According to extra-biblical literature (secular reference, tampering with the landmark was a widespread problem in the ancient Near East. As far back in history as that period recorded in the Book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, the illicit removal of landmarks was not unknown. In Job 24:2, we read: “Some remove the landmark; they violently take away flocks, and feed thereof.”
The landmark was usually a crude stone or some other movable object carefully situated that marked the parameter of a piece of land. So important was this “boundary stone” ancient society that its protection became a part of Mosaic legislation, citing its unlawful removal as an unjust invasion of a person’s rights.
The basic purpose of the ancient landmark was to distinguish a locality or define a property-line. It was also given spiritual significance and used metaphorically in Scripture to speak of spiritual boundaries where serious warnings are issued against its removal. In Hosea 5:10 we read: “The princes of Judah were them that remove the bound: therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water.”
Tampering with landmarks was a most serious offense because the landmark identified the boundaries of occupied territories granted by God, as in the case of Abraham, where God clearly set the boundaries of the land given to Abraham and his descendants forever. (Josh. 1:4).
Ancient landmarks not only confirmed the present right of ownership, they also served as a link between the present and the past.
Spiritual landmarks today both define our possessions, and declare “where” we are, i.e., our locality. They also identify “whose” we are and what our position of faith is, and what our convictions are. They are as permanent as the North Star or as true as a compass. Therefore, they must be safeguarded and respected, for they are stopgaps, directional markers that prevent us from intruding into forbidden areas. They are our spiritual fathers’ legacy to us that delineate the difference between clean and unclean; holy and unholy. They remind us to stay within the confinement of God’s restricted zones—not to drift off course!
They remind God’s people that we are a holy nation, a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, and that we must walk worthily of our vocation.
The great problem confronting our Church today is that there are individuals among us who simply do not belong! In their insane passion to make the Christian Church more relevant to this immoral, Christ-rejecting generation, they have not only changed what our spiritual priorities ought to be, but they have insidiously changed the very format of Christian ministry. They have redefined and temporized the Gospel so that the cross is “taboo” and Christ is rarely even mentioned in their discourses. Instead we hear discourses on sexuality and material prosperity. They have insidiously introduced a theology of greed and materialism that has no value beyond this life and supplanted the godly pursuit of wealth. The focus now is not a heavenly crown laid up in glory for all who love Christ’s appearance, but instead we hear a gospel of prosperity with its corresponding cry of “Money cometh!” and we are introduced to an erroneous “Kingdom Now” theology that would put two chickens in everybody’s pot and a $100,000 Rolls Royce in every believer’s garage! The message of suffering with Christ, and bearing the cross of discipleship and commitment is considered by these defectors of the faith to be merely traditional and irrelevant. We are told, “it turns people off!” And, so having removed the ancient landmark, they have turned away from Christ. The world has charmed and lured us within its evil tentacles and we are drunk on its evil brew! We smell of its stench and rot! We have borrowed its sleazy methods and have determined that these, even without the power of God will “put us over!” Embracing this new strategy of compromise and complicity with evil, we have succeeded in building mega buildings that seat thousands and have filled them with “baptized pagans” who have not been required to give up anything in order to become members of these so called “Christian Centers.” The rich affluent church of Rev. 3:14, wealthy, and increased with things, by Christ’s estimation is poor, naked, powerless and destitute! The Laodecia Church is manifested right before our very eyes!

Copyrighted 2009 by Evangel Temple Church, Inc.
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